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Welcome to CS136a Speech & Dialog

This page will have all of your assignments. Due dates are end of day unless otherwise noted. If you need an extension, you must ask for it 24 hours before the due date (unless there is some immediate emergency). Include a proposed new date/time you can get the assignment done by. (EoD: End of Day:… Read More »

Final Project Deliverables: Due Wednesday May 13

All deliverables should be put in your group’s folder on Googledocs by  Wednesday May 13 and should be uploaded to the shared google drive folder except for the code. See below for details on submission of your code. Part 1:  Literature Review: Deliverable:  The slides you presented Tuesday, Apr. 29.  Summarize the main points you… Read More »

Final Project Due Dates

The presentations on the research part of your projects will be on April 28. Each group will only have 15-20 minutes, so plan accordingly. You should cover 3 papers. Your goal is to introduce the area you did research in, cover the techniques described in the papers, what the challenges are and where progress is… Read More »

Final Project

Final projects will  be done in pairs, so there will be 4 groups of 2 each.  Groups can enlist auditing students to help, but it will be their choice to join a group. Projects will center around a research are in dialog and will have three parts: Literature review:  research your area and collect relevant… Read More »

Dialogflow Assignment

The goal of this assignment is to build a basic dialog based on the MulitWoz 1 data set.  The goal of this assignment is to learn how to use the basic functionality of Dialogflow and to understand what is easy to model and what is difficult.     This work will be done in the same… Read More »

Assignment 1: Read and annotate Speech Reco paper

Assignment 1:  “State of the art in continuous speech recognition”  Read and reflect on what you know and don’t know. Submit annotated pdf by 5pm on Thursday, January 16 Download the pdf of the Makhoul and Schwartz paper and rename it with your initials after the file name.  You will be marking up the pdf… Read More »